"What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish I'd realized it sooner." Colette

Jul 21, 2024

Joe Remains a Winner

I'm so sorry, Mr. President.  It's the older generation which is probably feeling for our President, you know it wasn't easy for him.  Yes, he's old.  So are we.  And as painful as it is, he made the correct choice.  For God's sake, Speaker Johnson and Rep. Jordan, leave him alone and let him bow out as gracefully as he can at this point in time.

If they don't, well, what goes around comes around.  I don't know about you, but I can think of more than one time in my life when, for longer than I should've,  I refused to admit to myself that something had ended; usually involved a partner.

I'm still for keeping Joe in an advisory capacity (VP?), if Kamala would agree.  But maybe it would be too hard for him to play second fiddle.  In any case, I think he'll be a winner no matter what happens in November:

If Kamala wins, he can say, "See, I did the right thing."

If Kamala loses, he can say, "I told you so."

It's win-win for Biden.  Now, rather than force those unknown Governors on us, I'm still rooting for Kamala to choose Antony Blinken.

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