WAAAAAA!!!!! What would Rita say? What would the Captain say?
“It’s your own damned fault for not taking it down when the wind started picking up; so now pull up your big girl panties and deal with it!”
Nobody’s gonna do it for me, I remind myself for the umpteenth time, throwing on an inappropriate hoodie to survey the damage. Yep, it pulled out completely; but after all, only one of the four screws was actually secured into anything resembling wood. RVs are not known for solid construction, so I’m just lucky a huge piece of the flimsy outside wall didn’t rip away in the process, kudos to Winnebago.
I grabbed a piece of SILVER Duck Tape, climbed up the stepstool with a towel and quickly applied the tape over the holes to prevent additional water seeping in between the wall, DOOM FOR ANY RV. I bungeed the now-flailing covers, looked around for loose shrapnel, and came back inside for more coffee.
I’d been wondering what to write about. As I methodically unplugged all major electronics and fought back the waa-waa tears, I imagined my friends in Puerto Rico: what they wouldn’t give to fix their problems with a piece of Duck Tape.

Waaaa!!!!! Gee, I’ll just have to live like I did on the road, with a mobile hotspot and 3 hupple-te-pups (as Tino would say) of limited data. Still, it’s more than enough for emails, blogging and searching now and again; but I’m amazed how spoiled I’ve become after only four and a half months of unlimited Internet access.

"Yeah, but I’m old now, so who’s gonna help me fix that mess outside, Waaaaa!!!!!"
A friend, a neighbor, a stranger; that's what usually happens. They won’t even have to do more than stop to say Hello, since, “I can actually do it myself, thanks.” Especially when I don't know what I'm doing, I add. To me that’s not stubbornness; that’s holding an Ace for when I really DO need some help. I just hope no one’s watching while Amy rants a bit.

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