"What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish I'd realized it sooner." Colette

Feb 7, 2024

Psychics Aren't the Only Predictors

We all have 'em; I just write about 'em.  This post is about a variety of topics, so if you don't like one, skip down a couple paragraphs.

- Two years ago I wrote a post, Alternatives to Gun Control,  suggesting PARENTS of school shooters should be charged.  Some thought I was being cruel and unreasonable, here's the relevant text:

"...Prosecute (the Shooter's) nearest relatives, starting with the Parents.  You don't really believe Suburbanites who claim they knew nothing about their offspring's mental condition and actions, do you?  Just remember the parents of that college kid in Florida who murdered his fiancee while on a cross-country trip, and then killed himself while on the lam, facilitated by Mom and Dad."

Well, whaddaya know:  yesterday the mother of a shooter in Michigan was convicted of involuntary manslauter.  Her husband's up next...we all know he's toast.  We need to be protected from irresponsible parents just as we are from irresponsible dog owners.  I've seen more than one attack after owners swear, "He doesn't bite."  ALL dogs bite.

- Three years ago I wrote an Alternative to College Debt Forgiveness, which I don't agree with, except for Pell Grant recipients, here's the relevant text:

"Instead of trying to right every wrong of the past, perhaps in the future the government should begin a fund for EVERY CHILD at birth, so that when they turn 18 they can decide whether to put the money towards some sort of schooling or into developing a business, with the guidance of mentors.  Online are many professionals, bored with retirement, who are willing to dispense advice for free to those interested, look them up."

So whaddaya know: Presidential hopeful Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) recently suggested giving $1000 per child at birth.  Regardless of his success or failure, it would be nice if someone in charge listens.

- Watching Congress go back-and-forth re: the southern border, Israel and poor Ukraine is like sitting through a boring chess match.  I'm not surprised we're losing support for allies in real need, since attention spans have dropped to how little time?  I've lost most readers by now.

Both sides are at fault for lots of things, not just the border trouble.  A crisis is accumulated neglect.  If bi-partisan legislation fails in order to help Trump's campaign, then Democrats will simply do the same if Republicans take back the Senate and White House.  Retaliation after retaliation.

We've given up on our representatives being ethical and getting along, and if that isn't depressing I don't know what is.   I fear nothing will get accomplished up to the point where everything's owned by China and Elon Musk, with Putin pulling the strings.  Tucker Carlson being touted by Moscow concerns me, but as I've also written in the past, thanks to immigration records I can prove I'm Russian if need be.

- In school we learned about the rise and fall of great civilizations on every continent, and I believe we're on the downhill slide.  Everyone knows why so many Republicans are flipping their principles to fall in line with the MAGA minority: fear of becoming a target.  It would be hard to blame them if they weren't in their elected positions, I don't know what they expected.  Someone should remind them they're on Capitol Hill to represent us, not themselves:

"Of the People, By the People, For the People"

Abraham Lincoln spoke those words at the dedication of the Soldier's National Cemetary in Gettsburg, to honour fallen soldiers.  It's a shame the former president considers them 'losers'.

Ho hum, at least I'm happy to learn that some of my views aren't that outrageous after all.  I can only keep my fingers crossed that the following prediction (from A Political Junkie) comes true:

Donald Trump will drop out of the race.

There's always hope.  And apologies to my friends of differing political views.  We all just want one another to succeed in life.

1 comment:

  1. When I heard that the parents of the shooter had bought the gun for their then 15 year old son, I threw my hands up and said "convict them!". I agree with you about our Congress. It is appalling that they would go against a bill they had themselves agreed to, just because the maniac running the Republican party WANTS the border to stay in chaos so he can point to that as a reason to vote for HIM!!! To make it worse, he was honest about his reasons and the MAGA Maggots in congress bowed down to him!!! Heaven Help the USA!!!!!!


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