Cleaning out a cupboard I found some old recipes from the 70’s, when I was learning to cook. As a kid I earned money babysitting (a totally unsuitable position), and to stay awake I’d pour over cookbooks, jotting down recipes I never did bother to try. After I married, I copied a dozen or more of Mom’s standard menus in the neatest, most childlike penmanship, which now makes me smile; but the recipe with the most familial significance was penned for posterity by none other than Ex-Man #1 (recipe below).
The story goes Mom’s British family recipe for Scones has been passed along through the male members of the family, which includes sons-in-laws. My maternal Grandfather Sydney Pritchard taught my father, but I don't know if the recipe came from his New Zealand father or Grandmother Courtney's Welsh side, so the Scones are named for both.
Served with butter and jam, Dad prepared Scones infrequently, making them a special sweet treat. Mom wasn’t much of a baker so she was happy to let him continue the tradition. Our family pronounces Scones, “Skaans, as in Hans (Solo)’” rather than “Scones, as in Thrones”. I’ve heard it both ways.

2 Cups All-Purpose flour
4 tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
2 Tbsp sugar
1 cup milk
Sift flour, baking powder, salt and sugar into large bowl. Stir these ingredients (with a knife) to mix thoroughly. Add milk and mix.
Take dough mixture out and place on well floured sheet. Roll to ½” thickness and cut into 2”x2” pieces.
Bake on sheet at 375° for 20 minutes.
I've never baked these myself so I don't know if pans should be greased or whether it's supposed to rise or not. The recipe dates from the 1930's at least, and appears pretty basic. Maybe these were wartime Scones, there's a thought. I’ll probably grease the sheet or use parchment paper. Maybe they don't need anything, but experienced bakers will know better.
If you’re a Scones-lover who likes to experiment you might give it a try; and to my Pritchard relatives: compare it to your own recipe or take my word it’s authentic. Enjoy!
Thanks for the memories. Ex-Man#1 appreciates the trip down memory lane. Glad your doing okay on your journey with BC.