"What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish I'd realized it sooner." Colette

Feb 21, 2025

Ridding SNAP of Junk Food

I was happy to see on the news RFK Jr's suggestion/mandate, through the Dept of Health and Human Services, that SNAP benefits include restrictions, but it's not an original idea.  That's the way things once were; and others, including me, have had the same suggestion; but they need to examine SNAP rules for more reasons than the junk food.  In a published article I explained how I lost 30 pounds during COVID because I was able to buy good-quality food; and here's an exerpt from a 2021 post:

"Prior to Covid-19, my monthly food allotment was approximately $80, but has since increased by $100.  This equals the maximum amount I might receive for my situation:  65, living alone, Social Security my sole income.  It’s not hard to understand how my focus had been price over nutrition, so predictably, the pounds piled on.

"That began to change when I could afford better quality food, including fresh fruits and vegetables, leaner meats, healthful snacks and reduced calorie items.  I replaced pasta with fish and read nutritional labels as never before.  No longer huffing and puffing on short walks, I have more energy and don’t crave sweets as much; but just in case, I’ve discovered delicious, sugar-free chocolates. Encouraged by the bathroom scale, I continue eating smaller meals and curbing bad habits. I happily donated my wardrobe to fire victims.

"I therefore advocate at least a portion of the increased SNAP benefits become permanent, but with an unpopular yet sensible caveat:  there should be restrictions on junk food. This idea is not new but was raised during deliberation of the Food Stamp Act of 1977, when a proposed change restricting low-nutritional foods was rejected.  Here are a few examples of why the entire program could use re-examination:

"In grocery stores, only cold foods can be purchased using SNAP; nothing from the hot, prepared section.  A freshly roasted chicken does not qualify; however, once that same unsold, dried-out carcass is placed in the refrigerated section it becomes eligible.  Not everyone has an oven, consider fire and homeless victims.

"Not permitted are alcohol and tobacco, rightly so; but neither can SNAP be used for paper or hygiene products. Some people advocate dogfood be allowed but as a pet owner I disagree.  Free dogfood is frequently donated through shelters, but hand soap and toothpaste don’t grow on trees.

"I can grab all the candy, ice cream, pastries, chips and soda I want.  I could blow my entire month’s allotment running the gauntlet at the checkout stand.  Holiday gift boxes with gourmet food items get through, I discovered by accident.  I can even buy a jalapeno pepper plant.

"I need toilet paper more than a jumbo bag of M&M’s, and a warm meal is healthier than a can of Red Bull.  If I crave a bag of chips but have to pay for it with cash, I’ll think twice and grab an apple. Imagine the reduced cases of obesity and diabetes alone.

"It won’t help to throw extra credit into SNAP accounts if people don’t know how to manage a limited budget, so I suggest every SNAP household receive a guide to shopping and cooking a healthful diet, such as Good and Cheap, Eat Well on $4 a Day, by Leanne Brown, (once) available online for free."

I was always astonished that I could wander the holiday isle and select a pretty box of chocolates; mugs with packets of sugary apple cider; or a brownie mix with a little pan included...and pay for it through SNAP.  I used to be nervous at the register whether or not my card would cover the Russell Stover solid chocolate Bunny in my basket; and continue to be amazed when it hops through the checkout and into my bag, thanks Uncle Sam.  Yes, I feel guilty, but I'll do almost anything for chocolate.  

I'll bet Bobby II never had to worry about the not having enough to eat or the price of eggs.  I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not buying huevos imported from Venezuela or wherever; since we won't have a reliable FDA to assure they're safe.  Chicks, farmers say, will be ready to lay eggs in about 6 months.  I can make due until then.  Can Gen Z?


  1. Eggs are a staple for me. I must be a farm-girl at heart because I can eat them at any meal, plain, hot, cold, filled with veggies, cheese or last night's leftovers. I usually buy pastured eggs or free-range if they're not much more expensive than regular, and I can go through a dozen or more a week. I always pick up a carton while at the store, even if it's not on my list. It's like money in the bank to me and when I run low, I start to become nervous.

    But the other day, I actually passed up buying any because all that was left in the market were the kind that sold for $7.99 AND MORE. I questioned my sanity, even as I walked away empty-handed. I heard my Grandmother's voice in my head say, "Chickens don't normally lay eggs between Christmas and Easter, and it's only because of artificial light that we have them all year long."
    "OK," I decided. "I can wait until Easter."

    But then, my Dad interjected himself into my imaginary discussion."That would only be sixty-six cents per egg," he reasoned. "Surely you can afford that!" At that point, Mother's voice (also in my head) chimed up in response: "No, the discipline will do you good."

    That was the clincher, as it had always been in my youth. Mom had an encyclopedic collection of quotes for all of life's lessons, and it was hard to argue with her euphomisms. Besides, I was already past the cold food section, so it was easier to keep going to the register than to make an about-face.

    Now I look longingly at the two remaining orbs nestled in their see-through carton in the refrigerator. One is white and one brown. Perhaps I should move them to the top shelf where I can't see them.

    I recall the story of the gal who walked home from a neighboor's farm during World War II cradling a precious real egg and dreaming of how she'd use it. I contemplate how I will use mine: In a batch of corn muffins? For two days of omelets packed with leftovers or cheese? Turned into egg salad on a lovely bun with lettuce and tomatoes? How many would I need to make that box of chocolate brownies I bought on sale last Christmas?

    I reach for the blueberries I bought for ninty-nine cents and top them with a dollop of yogurt and a drizzle of honey.

    How many days until Easter?


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