"What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish I'd realized it sooner." Colette

Dec 5, 2023

What Creates an Inhuman Person?

Men may not react the same way as women, but who didn't cry while listening to the horrific atrocities perpetrated by Hamas against Israeli women on October 7th?  Who in their right mind thinks that's OK?

I've been wondering lately why there are so many children reportedly killed in Gaza.  Don't they have birth control?  If conditions were so awful in Gaza, why bring more innocents into that reality?  Well, according to documented reports Palestinian men can't keep it in their pants, either for women or men.

Hamas claims they're not permitted to rape therefore no one raped anyone.  And more than 15,000 civilians have been killed.  Who believes them?

People who believe Trump won the last election, that's who.  TRUE BELIEVERS in our streets, waving Palestinian flags and hiding their gutless faces with those black and white scarves.  If we're not careful in the 2024 election, they'll show up at our doors with jackboots and shaved heads to slap an embroidered D on our sleeves.

So what are YOU doing to support our Israeli friends and neighbors?  Remaining silent lest you be 'labled' a Jew?  Why do people feel it necessary to whisper to me that they, too, are Jewish (when they spot my Hebrew necklace)?  Do you even care? If you don't then you probably don't care about supporting Ukraine anymore, either.  Let's just stop those scary people at the border. 

There's a man from Ramallah speaking right now about conditions in Gaza: "No place to hide - no place to live - no help, blah blah blah."  Complaining about people having ampulations without anesthesia.

But chopping off women's breasts and shooting genetalia, that's not the same.

My eyes are dry now.  How 'bout yours?


  1. every Arab who has a gripe about their conditions blames Israel . That’s what the Sultans , shieks, mullahs , Ayatollahs , jihadists want ! Because as dictators theyd chop the heads and hands off of anyone who directs their complaints to them !! Sinistral is always the scapegoat

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