I hope you were laughing as
your read through the ghoulish part, ‘cause my purpose today is to commemorate
one terrific fellow by sharing some of the idiosyncrasies of being married to
someone from another country; in my case the Netherlands.

= Cheddar Cheese
“It’s the thumb
of rule.” The immigration
attorney chuckled.
don’t go pulling old cows out of the ditch.”
= Stick to the point
of the argument.
“Your coffee tastes like sloot-vasser.”
??? =
Water which runs in the ditch alongside the road. I do make it weak: one-and-a-half-scoops per 12 cups of water.

He rolled his own
cigarettes, also requiring explanation.
I must admit, his imported tobacco was the nastiest-smelling stuff, causing
complaints when smoking was still permitted in the workplace. But I loved him so it didn’t bother me; must
be like Mothers changing diapers.
“Are they wild rabbits, or
the kind that you fok at home?” the word pronounced
exactly like the one which gets you the slap in the face, or used to. It was Easter and we were at my Sister’s
holiday table. Everyone stopped and
stared, and even I couldn’t fathom what he was talking about.
What??? He
repeated his question.
“We don’t (whisper) f__k
rabbits at home…what in the world are you talking about?!”
In Dutch, fokken
is the verb to breed; therefore, breeders are fokkers, farms are fokkereis;
it goes on and on, but don't laugh...there's a Dutch Rabbit Club.
It was quite entertaining
while it lasted, and the memories will last my lifetime. Fortunately that’s because I created this
crazy quilt while reeling from his untimely death, and it’s been packed away
every since. It’s a monstrous thing…weighs
a ton…and I’ve nowhere to display it when I’ve finished the binding. But I’ve vowed, during this 20th
Anniversary year, to get it done in any event, only this time I won’t be
weeping through every single stitch.
“Who doesn’t appreciate the
small things
Isn’t worth the big things"
Isn’t worth the big things"
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