"What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish I'd realized it sooner." Colette

May 27, 2022

Alternatives to Gun Control

Let's get serious and come up with some REAL consequences for those who choose to shoot innocents, any age, anywhere.  Sure, we need better gun control and must address mental health, but IMHO the overriding problem is the NOTORIETY these monsters receive. THAT MUST END NOW.

We're all waiting for the next copycat to wreck havoc on some community.  It's just a matter of time. And I suspect we ALL feel vulnerable, moreso than a mere week ago.  I know I do.  I'm not afraid of dying, but I sure don't want to get blown away while searching for bargains at Goodwill.

So what can we do to stop, or reduce the chances of this from happening in the future?  Here are some juicy suggestions, tried and true, to help prevent further atrocities:

If the Shooter manages to survive:

Immediately put them Stocks (above) at the scene of the crime, and let the families have at 'em.

Give them the old Drawn and Quartered treatment (r), when did that go out of fashion?

Cut out their tongue and gouge out their eyes.

Saw them in half, slowly, upside-down. "Often the victim was hung upside down (thereby increasing blood flow to the head) and a large saw was placed between his legs. The executioners would slowly cut the person’s body in half, drawing out the process in order to make death as painful as possible."

Cover them in Milk and Honey and let the bugs at 'em: "The victim was placed in a hollow tree trunk and force-fed a mixture of milk and honey until he developed diarrhea. After that, he was unclothed and covered in more milk and honey. He was then left to sit in his own waste as insects came to feast on him. Death usually came from dehydration, septic shock, or gangrene."  There's an Eco-Solution.

Pull out the Brazen Bull: "Cast in bronze to look exactly like a bull, the structure was complete with a door on the bull’s abdomen through which a victim was forced. Once inside, the door was locked, and the statue was heated like a hot pot on the stove until the person cooked to death."  Yum.

Insert a Choke Pear in their como-se-llama.  It has barbs and is slowly opened once inserted, OUCH.

If all that doesn't cause some idiot considering mayhem to think twice before packing their To-Go Bag, then we might believe "The Devil Made Them Do It," otherwise, we aren't buying it.

But what if the Shooter dies in the carnage:

Then prosecute their nearest relatives, starting with the Parents.  You don't really believe the Suburbanites who claim They knew nothing about their offspring's mental condition and actions, do you?  Just remember the parents of that college kid in Florida who murdered his fiancee while on a cross-country trip, and then killed himself while on the lam, facilitated by Mom and Dad.

Why blame them?  Who else?  What really determined their offspring's whacked behavior: nature or nurture?  

If the Parents aren't around or alive, then continue with Grandparents, Siblings or Children; whoever's readily available.  God, that sounds harsh, but I'm hoping some of the Shooters might actually have feelings for their relations; and that THAT love outweighs making the Nightly News.

Maybe not the Uvalde shooter, who blasted Granny in the face because, why, he couldn't get enough screentime?  Sounds like a spoled brat to me, whining to some stranger half a world away.  Wouldn't your parents have hit the roof if their (old fashioned) phone bills reflected hundreds of dollars of your B.S. calls?  Mine had an actual phone lock on our Rotary Phone to prevent long distance charges. (Not this photo...you need to put the lock on the ONE, idiots)

Why should the only innocents destroyed be DEAD?  Society is responsible at this point, beginning with contacting our Representatives.  If the Citizenry feels it's OK to go after facilitators of abortion like vigilantes, why can't my ideas fly?

It shouldn't frighten the NRA; at least not the consequences against the Shooter.  I won't share my suggestions of what to do with the Politicians and SCOTUS's who want to overturn Roe vs Wade, but you can imagine.

For more details and photo credits, see Medieval Tortue Devices.


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