"What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish I'd realized it sooner." Colette

Apr 18, 2022


We need to institute a mandatory draft for young men and women NOW, no exemptions for going to college or outer space.  And we better not hear any griping from women, transsexuals or Gender-O's.  If I was young enough I'd sign up; it's the right thing to do.  Our ancestors did it to protect our country and Democracy, so why can't we do it now?  Bunch of pansies.

I can't stand watching Ukranians being slaughtered day and night, can you?  Before we turn our collective eyes away because, after all, "It's not our problem," we need to do more than send prayers and money.  We need to get into the fray now, before we're caught with our pants down.

Let's get these mass shootings off our streets and back on the battlefield where they belong.

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