"They say" it’ll be helpful promoting a SPECIFIC CHARITABLE CAUSE: Help Puerto Rico’s artists. Why? Because they are KEY TO SAVING THE ISLAND'S HERITAGE following the devastation of Hurricane Maria.
I established the fundraiser through GoFundMe: to provide $250 for up to 1,000 of Puerto Rico’s formally certified Artesans to help purchase art supplies and equipment. I lived and worked among them for over a decade; and cannot imagine my entire studio destroyed and having to start over. Who can justify art supplies when they’re trying to obtain even the basics to survive?

“Oh, another of Andrea’s lost causes.” Nice try, gal, but no one’s REALLY interested; any more than with economic inequity and blatant housing discrimination. Besides, the day I was finally happy with my presentation, the Las Vegas shooting changed the course of Search Engine Spiders yet again.
It's unfair their help depends on my Friends, especially if I'm just getting started on FB. My Live friends assure me my reasoning is sound and the motive admirable; but the numbers of Looks, Shares and Hearts indicate otherwise.

A hot shower stopped the tears but not Amy’s aggravation. “Why get all upset over something which is supposed to be a good thing? Pull up your big-girl panties and make some decisions.”
OK, first up: don’t torture myself with Facebook. THAT is lost cause. Tweaking and checking throughout the day when I don't even own an I-Phone? My pea-brain just can’t comprehend this nightmare.

I started rolling this ball, but other socially-conscious people will either keep alive or kill this chance to help Artesans and Puerto Rico's culture.
Otherwise, well, they'll all just have to move here.
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