"What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish I'd realized it sooner." Colette

Jan 20, 2025

What the Hell, Man?!

 THAT's his Inaugural Address?

Recently, I've gotten into the habit of watching some of my favorite old movies through Amazon LiveTV while half-watching CNN with the Mute button ON.  I know the movies so well there's no need to pay attention; and I occasionally glance at the TV screen to see if something new has blown up.  Sometimes I even have the radio on, very low, my Classical station.

So this morning I was flipping between PBS, CNN and, God help me, Fox News, to watch the Inauguration.  Fox News was a few seconds ahead of the others (even CBS and NBC), which didn't surprise me.  But when I realized what I was doing, watching Fox like they want, I immediately switched back to PBS, which didn't have the same camera angles as the others but is far less biased.  I didn't want to further taint my memory of today's actual swearing-in's by tuning in to Fox.

"Only Male and Female distinctions."  Same-sex marriages are next; his Christian supporters will demand it.

I was tearful at times, but had some great belly-laughs along the way, particularly during Christopher Macchio (never heard of him) singing, "O, America." 

O, America, you're callin'
I can hear you calling me
You are calling me to be true to thee
True to thee, I will be

So what was on Amazon TV during this process?  Judgement at Nuremburg.  If you've never seen it you really should.  It's a classic - with a great script and terrific performances by Hollywood legends:  Spencer Tracey, Burt Lancaster, Richard Widmark, Marlene Deitrich, Maximillian Schell, Judy Garland, Montgomery Clift, a young William Shatner (you've heard of him, at least).  The movie is based on post-WWII trials, this one of 4 German jurists.

"Changing the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America."  How much money is that going to cost?

The premise of Judgement at Nuremberg was not merely about 4 men on trial for atrocities they facilitated (by being Judges).  It questions how the citizens of Germany, and the World, could have allowed a man such as Hitler to go as far as he did; and who later claimed they Did Not Know, or if they did, What could they have done?

I think that was Biden's point, speaking directly to us, during his farewell speech.

The other day I commented, "I feel like a fly on the wall," watching the next 4 years, but disaffected.  I'm not worried because I'm White, Straight and Old,  also unafraid of being in the minority...when speaking out or protesting against future unfair practices.  The movie made an impression on me at a very young age - as an adult, too.

The movie portrayed Hitler's 'mandates,'  including forced sterilizations of the feeble-minded and executions of Jews involved with Aryans.  They later expanded to Gypsies, Homosexuals and other Undesirables.  You knew the defendents would be found Guilty, and in the end the young Defense Attorney correctly predicted (spoiler) the defendants would be released early for political reasons; plus people no longer cared.  Which happened in real life.

But as Spencer Tracey observed, That may be true, but it doesn't make it right.

"Wait 'til the corruption begins."  If that wasn't a Freudian Slip by #47 just now.  OMG, why am I not surprised - he means exactly what he says.

Today we didn't exactly hear a 'unifying' speech, and at the moment he's ranting in front of his "younger, more beautiful (supporters)," talking about January 6th hostages and criminals on the Committee.  Yeah, that'll bring down prices.  Let's see how Trump's Golden Age progresses.

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