"What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish I'd realized it sooner." Colette

Oct 7, 2021

No Pets, No Pets, NO PETS!

I had to copy this to share, which I suspect may be from one of my co-attendees from The Hungry Games.  It was the first ad up this morning for Housing, and the catchy title is:

$4,000 / 200ft2 - Solid tenants with a pet and minimum wage job (Rogue Valley)

To everyone looking for housing that has a pet and/or has a minimum wage job or two....

I urge you to reply to every posting that says "no pets" or the ones where the rent is insanely high for 600 sq. Feet

"Too Bad no pets/or the price is so high. Otherwise you would have solid tenants."

So all of these property management companies and private landlords can see how many people have pets in this valley. And how many blue collar workers that serve them their dinner or coffee everyday are being forced out into the cold.

Thanks everyone, let's try to make a difference or at least open some people's eyes and hearts.

I've nothing to add. 

P.S.  Next update

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