"What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish I'd realized it sooner." Colette

Apr 26, 2022

Breakfast at Sambo's

Lil' Sambo's
I took myself to breakfast yesterday while BC had surgery to remove the growth on her leg, plus two teeth pulled, poor gal.  I don't know how her old Vet missed cracked to the gum with exposed roots, they seemed consciencious to me at the time, but I suppose they were focusing on her diabetes.  BC never whines or complains.

I'd been dreading the procedure and in the morning began to fall apart; until Mom's words popped into my head:

"Handle your fear."

Three simple words everyone can take to heart. My hyperactive-emotions immediately relaxed to where, I hoped, I wasn't affecting my pooch, you know how sensitive they are to their Masters owners.

The first time I drove through town I couldn't believe my eyes when I spotted a Tiger holding an Umbrella.  I recognized the image immediately from my childhood book, Little Black Sambo No, it can't be; surely not.

"I can't believe," I said to a co-worker, "that with all the statues being torn down in this country, that one hasn't been touched."

"It used to be called Little Black Sambo's but they changed the name to Lil' Sambo's."

And that satisfied people? I kept that to myself. 

So I vowed to eat there at some point just to take a peek at the inside, and yesterday was the day, since it's across the street from the Vet.  I half-expected to see someone in a White Hood, but inside it's like any other pancake house, except with tigers painted on the walls in various states of dress, read the other blog post for the story.  Still, I couldn't understand the gorilla statue outside, since there were none in my set-in-India book; only Bengal Tigers aplenty.

I ordered Eggs Benedict, the regular kind, and looked around.  Regular folks eating regular breakfasts.  The cover of the menu was the history of the restaurant, from humble beginnings until today, and explaining their Sambo was a hero from a children's book.  Nothing racist sounding to me, and they did describe the change in name.

It had to be about the BEST Eggs Benedict I've ever eaten, served with their suggested side of Red Potatoes.    I enjoyed my coffee while trying not to dwell on BC. 

I had to poke around the gift shop, which was full of stuffed animals, mostly exotic. That must be their new theme; thus the gorilla.  I saw a display containing the other LBS book with totally different illustrations than mine, not particularly flattering.  I am seriously considering donating my book to their collection, since it'll only wind up in a Goodwill or the trash after I'm gone.  I don't want to make a profit off something contentious like that, but since their collection doesn't have the original book depicted on their walls, I thought it could be an educational gesture.  I bought a postcard of their restaurant (no gorilla statue outside) and a stuffed snake for a door-draft-thing.  Don't know if I'll go back - maybe for some pancakes, but I've got a mix in the cupboard and can eat as many as I want, just like in the book.

BC is fine.  She was all day at the Vet, but they said she was a perfect lady - beautifully behaved.  She's wearing my T-shirt because I don't have a onesie, whatever that is; and I had to carry her in and out a few times, but she's feeling better now and starting to hop in and out by herself.

If there is a God, I am grateful.


  1. so happy about bc!!!! I drew a pic of the tigers running around the palm tree until they turned to syrup for my first grade, as we read the book a lot. My teacher held mine up as the example of what NOT to draw. I don't think I ever drew anything after that. LBS was kind of a hero since he outwitted the tigers. There was a Sambos in Santa Barbara for decades, but gone now.

  2. Hi Andrea, Pam here, really glad BC is Ok. You can relax for a while now. X


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