"What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish I'd realized it sooner." Colette

Sep 4, 2022

A Snapshot of Price Gouging

Amazon refused to post my latest review so I'll speak my piece here.  In 2018 I purchased a Canon PowerShot ELPH 180 Digital Camera for $89.99.  It's compact, lightweight and simple to operate, perfect for snapping quick travel photos.  As I drive I hold the camera up over my right shoulder, point where I think the subject is and snap away, quickly putting my arm down when other cars are around so I'm not reported for texting while driving.  Most of those photos are of clouds, the headliner or my lap, but sometimes I get lucky and can post a nice one.

I already own an older, similar model: Sony Cyber-Shot DSCW810 20.1MP Digital Camera, forget what I paid, less than $100 certainly; but I wanted something with more magnification.  The Canon also touted 'Image Stabilization' which I figured could be helpful; plus I liked the red color.  I also picked up the necessary accessories they forget to include in the box.

Wouldn't you know, less than 4 months later I lost the Canon while Camp Hosting, must have fallen out of the golf cart.  It was terribly disappointing, and I kept hoping, like we do, that it would turn up somewhere unexpected.  Over the years I'd check Amazon and the price ranged around $100, so I figured one day, when flush with cash, I'd buy another.

I'm not flush with cash but I do have some Amazon credit, so I checked the website.  Look for yourself - it now sells for $594, and people are buying!  Is it me, or is that totally INSANE?  I usually only write good reviews, why bash companies unnecessarily; but I couldn't resist posting a One-Star all-around. I'd read other reviews about price increases for a chintzier-produced camera but not to this degree, and titled my review Outrageous Price:
"I  bought this camera in 2018 for $89, but lost it. Can anyone explain what it now does for 6 times the price? REALLY?"
From Amazon this morning: "Thank you for submitting a customer review on Amazon. After carefully reviewing your submission, your review could not be posted to the website. It appears you reviewed shipping or packaging experience."
They couldn't even be honest, and that's disappointing, too.  We're all experiencing Price Gouging, and we'll continue to suffer further increases if we keep taking it.  To be fair, my Sony is up to almost $300.

So what if, this Christmas, we make home-made gifts for one another, JUST ONCE?  Sure, it would be tough not to have the latest, greatest electronic gizmo meant to curtail interpersonal relationships, but it would teach Corporate Execs a lesson. If we were at war we'd have to do without.  It's not such a terrible lesson to learn - the 'doing without' part.

1 comment:

  1. omg. I love the amazon response...what dicks....I do love the pic of the golf cart.


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