The site is pretty but uneven, and I went about going back and forth, back and forth,avoiding the lake like the plague, on and on, never seeming to find a level spot until I stopped moving entirely.

I stared and stared, wishing to go back in time just a couple minutes when I realized I'd begun actually pulling the back wall away from the side in the bottom corner. I was destroying the patch job from a former owner's 'Oops!'
I briefly considered grabbing the camera for a live shot, but it was so horrifying I didn't want to relive the experience that closely. I did grab my 6" ball pein hammer and began smashing the shit out of the stump in the humidity, sweat dripping into my eyes nonstop. I grabbed the stump every which way as I swung, not considering what might be living inside. The clouds gathered as I cried and cursed and swung but it wouldn't release the bumper. (Oh, nobody was around.)

But I did finally try using those orange levelers, so I'm proud of myself for that. At first I covered the 'crack' with a tarp but after a couple days I tried using a small clamp and and slapped on some Duck Tape for good measure. They make it in all colors now. I also had to bend out the bumper which holds my sewar hose, and in between downpours I inspected and Gooped seams. BC is allergic to the groundcover so I've been dealing with that, and the power just shut off so I'll close for now.

It's been a good week all in all, at least for RV experience. After all, the damage is not life threatening, and that's why God invented body shops.
Just met you at your next camp ground (Oconee Point), really enjoyed talking to you and looking forward to more conversations overnext coupkeof days! I admire what you are doing, never say you dont have a life, because you are living the life of my dreams, and I hope I havent wasted my dreams on no life! But Im sure I havent listening to your stories, very exciting indeed!!