"What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish I'd realized it sooner." Colette

Jul 12, 2018

My Home-away-from-Home

Still around; just not in Oregon. I'm back in Lake Tahoe, visiting dear friends who have created Toccata, the Tahoe Symphony Orchestra. I arrived for their final BOPS concert and they have another series at the end of the month, so I'll have an opportunity to recharge my batteries surrounded by spectacular scenery.

It's been a rough couple of months emotionally, and because I still have no place to park my RV back in Oregon I needed this break to clear my head of disappointments. You've been reading; can you blame me?

I left the RV with friends and was THRILLED to discover my new/old car only used 3/4 of a tank, so despite high gas prices the drive cost about 30 bucks. I ducked out between forest fires right after they closed I-5 between Oregon and California. It was closing in on that lake where I've been a Camp Host, so I'm grateful I'm not dealing with that situation. I hate fire and can't even barbeque, which is why I picked up an electric one in Texas. I've used it once.  I got discouraged when the burger slid off the grill onto the ground, but I ate it anyway.

BC has a new beau, Pepper, which would certainly make Bosco in Oregon jealous. I've been really pleased at how well she's getting along with the variety of dogs where we've stayed the past month-plus. She's slowly losing her fear of larger dogs after several attacks she's suffered in campgrounds by animals whose owners swear they're under control. 

Well this has been boring but I wanted to poke my head up. I'm off to write a story for which I might actually get PAID!  What a concept.

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