"What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish I'd realized it sooner." Colette

Dec 1, 2022

Happy December

Isn't this necklace pretty?  It's my name, in Hebrew, ordered from this Etsy seller.

Since my last post my 'cold' packed a whallop and kept me down for 2 full weeks, not fun.  I'd accepted the latest Covid booster when I went to my PCP in September but passed on the flu shot, big mistake.  I can't say what exactly I had, but every symptom you can imagine visited my bed during this time.  Had to cancel Thanksgiving plans, including leftovers, for while dying of thirst the idea of food appealed to me not at all. My at-home Covid tests were negative, but there are so many variations going around who knows what I had.

Haystack Rock, Pacific City
I haven't had a flu shot for as long as I can remember, maybe never; but  I won't make that mistake again.  If you haven't been shot or already gotten sick, I recommend you be extremely careful when you're around other people.  I suspect one of our 'guests' who came into the office infected me, since I worked my shift alone and no one else became ill.  I had a slight cough during the night but I thought the heat was set too high.  The next day I took advantage of my beautiful day off and drove up the coast.  I wandered through Tillamook shops, so I was possibly Typhoid Andie as well, shame on me.  This is how we all get sick and extend this never-ending Covid season.

Last Friday night, miserable in bed, I told God to either kill me or make me better, either was fine with me.  I doubt God responds to ultimatums, but lo and behold, Saturday morning I awoke feeling much, much better.

Thank you, whoever you are!  I was getting tired of watching those private yacht reality-TV shows.  Amazing how many people with money canot handle a knife and fork, I cringed each time.  Raising one's pinky does not negate stabbing a steak.

Anyway, I'm thrilled to be up and about again.  My spunk has returned.  In addition to a mask, I've been proudly wearing my Hebrew necklace, plus the small cross Ex Man #1 (dec'd.), a Catholic, gifted me right after our wedding. I rarely wore it, since the Christian Science church doesn't really make a big thing about the cross like other religions.  We believe Jesus died on the cross, I shouldn't have to explain this, but our churches are simple and don't display the cross.

So far no one has said a word.  This is sinply my way of denouncing anti-Semitism, more than we can say about our ex-President.


  1. love your necklace!!!! So sorry you've been illl! Yes I had the flu four years ago and it was so terrible, I have gotten a flu shot every year since. Snowing here and I am loving it!

  2. Your necklace is beautiful , the letters are exotic looking . Wink , wink : it would be identical if I bought one from Etsy !!!
    Did you receive my private email letter to your yahoo ? Glad your back to feeling spunky sparky and sprite .


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