"What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish I'd realized it sooner." Colette

Jan 30, 2017

Steinbeck, Hitchcock and Family

Sometimes I decide to write on the fly rather than edit, edit, edit. I'm back on the road and have no idea when I'll be parked long enough to tackle another lengthy tale, so I offer up this snippet.

I've spent the past month-plus parked in my Uncle's driveway, due in part to RV repairs; but since my Aunt took a tumble right after I decided to stay a bit longer, I think it was Providence. Uncle J. is Mom's baby brother and since her death in September the last remaining sibling of Sydney E. Pritchard. Born in New Zealand, my grandfather was in the Gallipoli Campaign during World War I; worked as a steward for the Cunard Line; and eventually jumped ship to make his way in the New World.  I'll bet lots of people forget that's how many of our own ancestors arrived.

What's good for the goose, and all, but I digress. If you weren't already aware, my current lifestyle (and this blog) was inspired by John Steinbeck's Travels with Charlie, and since my initial post (click to read)  I've kept his experience in the back of my mind; continuously tweaking my own until I find myself where I am now:

In Steinbeck Country, traveling along Highway 101, which is a beautiful drive. I am also completely without any time or destination limitations.  As I told a friend, I have nothing scheduled prior to the Coroner's visit. What a sense of freedom, even if I am limited to $875 a month,which is manageable, believe it or not. But on a day such as today, with temperatures expected close to 70, I wouldn't trade my life for anyone else's.

El Camino Real,or the Royal Road.  That's what this stretch of 101 is called.  Twenty-two missions are positioned one day's ride by horseback from one another (or so I've been told), and I decided to stop at San Juan Bautista.

If you're a fan of Alfred Hitchcock movies you will recognize it from Vertigo. The infamous tower was torn down before it fell down, but Hitchcock recreated what he had seen on an earlier visit to the location.

I picked up some brochures at the California info office, which I'll look through as soon as I post this.  I'm in a reasonably-priced county park campground with only a handful of neighbors. It seems to be a pretty good time of year to poke around this area, so I might as well take advantage and visit some sights without summertime traffic.

P.S. I must take a moment to promote pit bulls. I was nervous about 100 pound Gracie, the newest member of the household, deciding whether or not she liked me. Well, she's just the sweetest and in no time we were buds.  The story goes that she had a litter and was subsequently used as a bait dog.  A Bait Dog!  Poor things is covered in scars. She became a bit exuberant at times and would nip my hand or jump on me to say Hello when I entered the house, but I didn't mind.  Considering the alternative, it was infinitely preferable.

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