"What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish I'd realized it sooner." Colette

Mar 11, 2021

Shoot the Seniors

I just returned home from a J&J shot in the arm, thank you! I haven't had any luck making an appointment since I became eligible March 1st, and the lottery-like aspect of distribution was driving me crazy, literally.

On last night's news they were talking about the Federal mandate of vaccinating Teachers First (fine with me); but Oregon's been shooting teachers since January, and part of the reason I wasn't able to make an appointment, as it turns out.

So Gov. Brown asked pharmacies to ignore the Federal mandate and keep shooting seniors. A list of places suggested to contact was read aloud and flashed on the screen, including grocery-store pharmacies like Fred Meyer and Safeway; Walgreens; Buy-Rite; Costco; plus not mentioned and almost obscured by the Closed Captions...WALMART!

I jumped online, and because my account was already set up for grocery shopping was sent to the correct location nearby.  I went through the pages of health questions and Voila! Up popped the appointment schedule, with the first one available at 10:30 this morning so I grabbed it.  There were plenty after 3pm, but I didn't want to take a chance they'd change their minds in the meantime.

And the bonus?  They're using my vaccine of choice: Janssen.  Only one shot, that was the reason for my preference.

When I showed up I still didn't believe it to be true. They hesitated and acted like I was the first person so I asked, "Am I really getting shot today?"  Nobody else was around except those filling prescriptions. At their affirmative I asked, "Did I get lucky with an appointment, or what?"

"Well, we've been giving the shot for 2 days but it wasn't on the news until last night.  Now all appointments are booked solid for the next 2 weeks."  Still, no one else arrived while waiting my 15 minutes but I was early. They made certain I was aware it was the Janssen and I held a big Thumbs Up.

Hallelujah, I won't continue to fret about the No-Mask, No-Vaccine citizenry, they're on their own. I will, of course, continue to wear a mask until Dr. Fauci, et al, deems everyone's safe.  It's the AMERICAN think to do. The shot hardly hurt and so far, so good.  Definitely relieved, like they say on TV.  I'll frame my Certificate when this is all over.

So here's a story:  When I was at the mechanics a couple weeks ago we were discussing the vaccine and whether or not it's safe enough to take.

Me:  "Well short of growing a third boob, I'm not really concerned about reactions to my body."

One mechanic said, "Some people have three boobs," lest I was unaware.

"I do know that..."

"My sister had to have one removed," he added stony-faced.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to..." searching for words.

What are the frickin' chances, I ask you?  So let that be a lesson for you: before using a certain example you think no one could POSSIBLY be offended by...think again!

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