"What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish I'd realized it sooner." Colette

Aug 10, 2022

The Oscar Meyer Man

Does Donald Trump actually BELIEVE we'll all swallow his baloney?  He's a crook; he's always been a crook; he'll always be a crook.  A leopard doesn't change its spots.

The most frightening thing is that Trump and his flip-flopping lackeys (including the most irritating: Rubio, McCarthy, Cruz, Taylor-Green, Jordan and Graham; certainly there's more) will convince enough people the Emperor's wearing clothes and who will vote our 45th as our 47th.

This cetury's Teflon-Don will have some excuse for taking the 5th, ignoring his earlier opinions now making the rounds of most news outlets. The greatest Liar of our time.

How dumb have we all become?  The latest, scariest thing I've heard is that Christians are working tirelessly to take over the country.  That would sound like a Conspiracy Theory to me if I wasn't surrounded by such Christians, all who feel they need to 'help me' find Christ, Jesus, God; their vernacular changes with the day.  This is going on all over the country, and I can't keep silent much longer.

When rudely, bluntly asked if I'm a "Christian" I reply I'm a Christian Scientist.  Responses are identical:  "Oh, well that's OK," even though they know nothing about the religion and assume I'm talking about the Church of Scientology, not at all alike.

This simple retort was recently suggested,:"Why do you ask?"  I vow to be smarter next time, but I suggest you file it in the back of your mind for when you're eventually asked.

I'm pretty lucky, I guess: I'm White, born a US Citizen and identify with an acceptible religion.  What's NOT ok is I'm at the bottom of the economic ladder, I'm a woman and not willing to change my values on a dime.  I won't agree that two-plus-two-equals-five, no matter how many times it's screamed in my face.

How many people do YOU know who fit the proper criteria, according to Trump, White Supremacists and Evangelists?  Don't people see?  We'll all be at the mercy of this Autocrat who, once in power again, will never, ever leave.

1 comment:

  1. truly a scary time to be living in. People have no critical thinking skills to decide what is logical, true or valid.


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