"What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish I'd realized it sooner." Colette

Dec 16, 2021

Going Down Swinging

You didn't really think I was going to take that Housing decision lying down, did you?

Traditionally, when I've received a devastating blow to my psyche I go into shock; then I get depressed; then I get mad.  At the moment I'm in the MAD phase and Amy's lovin' it.

So I wanted to see if I could appeal the latest decision affecting my fate, but by chance I landed on the federal HUD Complaint page so I filled out their form.  My complaint is basically that the local Housing Office is inept, resulting in the loss of housing and valuable time.  As a result of bringing their discrepancies to light I do not feel the Housing Lady has been favorably inclined to help much, and if nothing else I should receive ONE MORE EXTENSION since they wasted so much of my search-time with their incompetence.

But Amy couldn't resist poking the tiger in the cage, so I dropped a line to my Housing Lady alerting her of my action so she's not blindsided, nobody likes that.  Shortly afterwards, her supervisor sent me a note that if I didn't understand anything to contact her.

So I called, and our Point/Counterpoint marathon began.  She agreed that the system is flawed and extremely complicated but that their office must follow the regulations set down by the government.  I said I understood that, but my complaint is receiving numbers all over the place; PLUS my principle argument: our differing interpretations of a 2014 regulation.  It permits the personal contribution of income being 40% rather than 30%; in my case $400 vs $300.  That makes a significant difference in my search, as rental rates have skyrocketed the past couple of years.  Here's an excerpt of the regulation on which I base my argument:

"The Payment Standard limits how much subsidy the PHA will pay: Generally, the PHA will pay the difference between the total rent, up to the Payment Standard for that bedroom size, and 30 percent of the tenant’s income, with the exception that the tenant may pay up to 40 percent of income at the beginning of a tenancy.

"For example, if the Payment Standard for a 2-bedroom unit is $1,000 per month and the tenant’s income is $600, the tenant would pay 30 percent or $180, and the PHA would pay $820 of the rent.  If the actual rent for a unit were less than the Payment Standard, the PHA would pay less.  If it is more than the Payment Standard, the PHA won’t pay more but the tenant can pay more, up to 40 percent of income, in this case $240, which would allow the tenant to rent a unit up to $1,060 (the PHA’s $820 plus the tenant’s $240).  But if the rent is above $1,060, in this example, the unit is ineligible for use with a voucher." *

I can't possibly convey word for word what the supervisor said, because honestly it sounded like she was making it up as she went along.  I argued that my additional 10% income should increase the $985 rental allotment for a one-bedroom house in Medford to $1,085 and then I'd be only short $10 of the $1,095 rent; not $60 short (or $1,035) as they claimed.  During the orientation they did say that if the rent was a little bit higher, less than $20 or so, it would likely be approved, who'd begrudge that?  But they refused to budge, the landlord wouldn't reduce the rent and went on to the next applicant.

This is not a case of sour grapes...I only want an accurate explanation of the rules and figures I can rely on, is that too much to ask? I kept asking her to explain how 30% of my ($999 rounded-up) income is $300 but 40% is not $400.

"When you count 40% of your income, your monthly allotment is adjusted to include utilities."


"You mean the utilities are not included in your $985 amount, but when I add my extra 10% they are?"

"You are allowed $985, and when you add ALL utilities you cannot go above 40% of your income, and you are $60 short of the rent. You didn't look at places within your limit. I don't make the rules..."

At some point I argued that none of this was explained this during our orientation; how are other people figuring this out? She answered,

"We can't address every individual's rate-question, there's not enough time."

Properly comprehending their 40% scenario seems like it would be pretty frickin' important to EVERYONE, if you ask me. She was looking at my records, and at some point claimed that my most recent, increased figures are from their increasing everyone's amounts because of this month's Social Security cost of living increase.

"I put in that request MYSELF on December 2nd, after I downloaded my SS letter and filled out your form requesting new rates. That's why I have new figures," don't make it sound like you did me a favor.  The Housing Office never sent out any updates or notices to participants that our rates would change, ever.  If I hadn't initiated the request myself I'd still be working off the old rates, you can't convince me otherwise. 

Housing requires official proof of everything so they'd need everybody's new SS letters, not made available until December 1st.  I seriously doubt the Social Security Administration automatically forwards (what I consider) privileged documentation to the Dept. of Housing and Urban Development number 1, and number 2 - I doubt they'd be processed so quickly, with this labor shortage?

Continuing, "How can you possibly know how much my electricity will be?  Everyone's consumption is different." Every rental I've seen includes all utilities except electricity; same as renting long-term RV spaces. I've been living on a boat and in RVs for 24 years, so I've learned to live using very little, except for space heaters.

"I'm not arguing your rules per-se, but how can I trust the figures you give me when they keep changing values?"

Darned if I couldn't put my hands on the form I was referencing so I couldn't recite any figures outright.  Turns out I had it in front of me all along, a case of, "Can't see the forest for the trees."  (Take a look at this cockamamie thing;  remember, it's not the most recent figures but look how rental amounts change depending on zip codes and type of housing.  If the unit I was trying to rent was in any other zip code it would have qualified.)

"If you find the paperwork you're referencing, send it to me.  Otherwise, I can't keep arguing with you.  So unless you have any other question..."

"YES!  WHAT ARE MY 40% FIGURES?  Why can't you supply me with 40% amounts so I know my limits and don't look at the wrong places?"

"You cannot go above 40% of your income, period.  I'll send you our Price Calculation Sheet," or whatever she called it.

Amy and I shut up and signed off.  As I wrote, as soon as I got off my Skype phone I realized I did have all my paperwork in front of me.  Lickety-split she sent an email and attached, I couldn't believe, my most recent rental amounts, which I'd already picked up in the mail.  (Why couldn't they have emailed it in the first place rather than wasting precious days via snail-mail, I'm so unrealistic.)

I dug up an email I'd sent to the Housing Lady back in October.  By mistake I'd initially submitted the previous year's SS letter and had to fill out a special Housing form and attach my new letter to receive my new rates.  But I couldn't believe (pointedly expressed) their new numbers:  the change in my income increased by $12 yet my housing allotments decreased in a number of categories.  Oddly enough the only increase was in the one-bedroom house, significantly, which didn't make sense to me.  I asked for clarification.

My Housing Lady answered that new calculations would soon be taking place and if I hadn't found anything by the end of October to request an update.  I knew our latest 5.9% Social Security increase was coming in December and I'd have to request new numbers based on my new income anyway, so why bother asking in November if it'll change again in December?  I feel my attachments prove my point, so I wrote to the Supervisor that my original Complaint stands.

She wrote back,  "I believe the reason why they are different is because our utility schedule was updated in October, so the current utility allowance estimates were applied."

But still, according to the regulation the base amount shouldn't change even if I contribute an extra 10%, am I crazy?  Me:  "In other words, you can't really explain it, either.  Anyone in their right mind would scratch their heads at the information your office puts out."

I haven't heard back, no surprise.  I can't anticipate what, if anything, will come as a result of my complaint, but after I learned they'd turned me down my mood darkened considerably.  I was doubly-annoyed at myself for not at least trying to take the case further:  "What a wimp you've become," boo-hoo.

So I was quite pleased with myself for going on the attack, even if I did blast dozens of holes in my feet in the process.  What do I have to lose?  They can't deny helping me these last couple of weeks if I do find something within their steadfast calculations, they wouldn't dare.

It all seems pointless but sure, I'll hold out that glimmer of hope.

* If you think I'm wrong in my interpretation feel free to leave a comment. Even if I am wrong, they should bring it up during Orientation, dontcha think?

Next up:  Where Is Our Joy?

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