"What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish I'd realized it sooner." Colette

Oct 28, 2016

Joe Biden, Again

I'm pulling a, "Told you so," and adding a link to a post I wrote last summer concerning V.P. Joe Biden, and his possible, continuing role in future administrations:

Save Us, Joe Biden!

But after he and the Donald (as we knew him in the 1980's; to differentiate him from the Teflon Don, John Gotti) decided to,

"Go to the mats,"

 at least verbally, my prediction may only be half- right.

A friend didn't agree with my choice, but liked the concept.  "OK then, pick someone yourself...doesn't matter...we'd all like a Second-in-Command we can at least stand to watch. "

What's Colin Powell up to?


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