"What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish I'd realized it sooner." Colette

Jun 8, 2023

What's a Woke? Musings from Home

Smoky skies in the Northeast...it's horrible, but it does give people an idea of how we live out West EVERY SUMMER.  That's the main reason I wanted to move away from Southern OR (smoke from CA fires), and am still so grateful I'm on the coast.  Sure, we can get smoke from Canadian fires, currently blazing not far from the WA border last I checked, plus there are still loads of tress around here to burn.

But, I'm about a block-and-a-half away from the nearest beach access, so that's comforting.  We're also somewhat above sea level, so I'm not too worried about Tsunamis, either.  But back to the smoke, we aren't experiencing consequences of Climate Change, nooo.  (Right:  the  park's upper level where, during the summer, there's free appetizers and live music on the stage area,  BYOB.)

Since President Biden was elected, I've kept pretty quiet about politics.  I voted for him and will again, even though I'm not crazy about everything he's done, like the haphazard withdrawal from Afghanistan; but he's not solely to blame.  I also don't agree with absolving student debt with the stipulations now in place.

I support immigration, but not unlimited; at least without knowing who's going to pay and how, since we can't seem to take care of our own populace.  My cynical side asks why, each time you see a migrant story, most of them are checking their Smartphones.  Who is their service provider?  Is it free, or super-cheap for them?  Why isn't it for us?  Well, my bare-bones government phone is free but limited.  I can't afford something more modern, nor do I want to by this time.  I'm fine without TikTok or reading about other's achievements - I'd rather work on my own.

I know those aren't popular sentiments, but we all seem to agree that the human flood of migrants should at least be SHARED by all 50 states.  It's called Common Ground for a reason.

My harsh, perhaps, opinions are a direct result of my struggles the past dozen years, which I've documented.  I've been shouting about Economic Inequality and Housing Discrimination for years, you've read my posts.  I'm quieter now because so many other people are talking about it, FINALLY.

We can't shift blame or responsibility.  So many people are FOR handing over food, clothing and apartments to illegals but AGAINST constructing low-income housing in their neighborhoods.  They'll donate towards countless causes and on-the-fly GoFundMe's, but ignore someone at a corner holding a sign.  Don't assume you know everyone's story just because of the bad apples.

Hypocrites.  Speaking of, I've already mentioned how kids are like cats in that they know when people aren't crazy about them because they zero in.  Well, someone recently said I should add 'Christians' to my list, after hearing the following story.

Gathering rocks for our weekly painting classes, I was walking the beach with the woman who asked when we first met, "Are you a Christian?" I wrote about this already.  Anyway, after a number of Christian references having nothing to do with anything I made it clear I didn't want to hear any more, and to her credit, she's stopped.  I like her - I just don't want to be converted. Same thing's happened with a couple others, I'm sure people think I'm exaggerating.

So I see a woman on the beach with her dog; a traveling nurse who was staying at our resort for a period of time.  We stopped to speak and were talking about how nice the resort is, when she suddenly turned to my companion and said,

"And it's so nice to meet a fellow Christian."

I'm standing there thinking, "What am I - the anti-Christ?"

I bit the insides of my cheeks in order not to make a sarcastic crack while they praised-Jesus a few moments; until the nurse made a comment about all the "WOKE" people.

"What exactly does WOKE mean," I asked her.

I wasn't surprised she couldn't formulate an answer; neither has anyone else I've asked.  What I find myself saying to avoid confrontation (because I like my job) is something to this effect:

"Well, whatever it means, it's just another example of division in our country."  Heads nod, which is encouraging.  We all hate our current state of relations but can't seem to claw our way out of the depths this time; and regardless of who wins the next election I doubt things will change. 

I've looked up WOKE online and (I believe) it refers to an awakening of our social consciousness?  So then why has WOKE morphed into a curse word?  If I say I'm a Democrat people immediately accuse, "WOKE!"  Or I'm automatically part of the Radical Left, I'll burn in Hell for sure. 

I'm not anti-God or -religion; I'm anti-pushy people who think they know what's best FOR ME.  I'm a Libran, so by nature I (try to) look at both sides. What hurts is presuming everybody else feels the same way or can at least consider the possibility.

I'm nervous, of course, about Trump being re-elected, along with a good portion of the country.  He's an angry, vindictive man who hates to lose, and could care less about us.  But don't be fooled into believing that if you root for De Santis, Pence or Scott we'll have a more accepting, inclusive, administration.

Only if you're a White, Male, Heterosexual (WMH).  Doesn't seem to apply to Tim Scott, but his religious leanings would undoubtedly hurt the heathen.  Pence is touting his Christian Beliefs up front and center, did you watch last night's Town Hall?  DeSantis is steadfastly restricting minorities one by one, don't think he'll stop with the LGBTQ community.  Look at North Dakota's Gov. Burgum, whose ad - full of old WMH's in cowboy hats - appeared before he even announced. 

I can't understand anyone who is against background checks, gun training and age limits.  I was about to include examples but that's absurd.  Everyone knows the arguments.  But even on this issue we can agree on one thing:

Any of us can be blown away by some madman any time, anywhere.
No place is safe.

More and more I hear a common sentiment expressed by my contemporaries:

"I'm so glad I won't be alive to see..."  (the world in the not-too-distant future).

What a way to spend our twilight years.  So in conclusion,

STAY INSIDE!  And please don't call me a WOKE.

(P.S.  At least with a nasty tone.)


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. i am woke as woke can be. Just don't preach at me! I agree with ALL you've put forth here!! xxxx

  3. Darn it, I meant to delete a duplicate comment but deleted both. So sorry, I liked it!


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