"What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish I'd realized it sooner." Colette

May 26, 2019

Memorial Musings

Jesus Christ, does Sarah Sanders really believe what she's saying?

I find it interesting that old movies being shown this Memorial Day have involved racism during previous wars:  WWII; Vietnam; likely Iraq.  The same problems in one form or another, generation after generation.

Insomnia led to Pressure Point, a psychological drama set in the early 40's, starring Sidney Poitier and Bobby Darin, with racism at its heart: prison psych Poitier facing Nazi sympathizer Darin, who had trouble sleeping.  It was terrific but disturbing as I realized we're facing the same shit now.

I mentioned Jesus and Sarah to begin with, but why?  It has to do with idealism.  Because despite knowing Jesus will be crucified each and every time I watch an Easter movie, a little part of me still hopes he'll get away.

We need to nurture idealists, hoping for good to prevail, to keep bringing up injustices no matter how boring to others.  Not necessarily me, but what did they say, 

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it", George Santayana, 1905. This was paraphrased by Churchill in a 1948 speech to the House of Commons; acknowledging and reminding us that remember and learn are often mutually exclusive, and he wanted to drive home a point.  On the flip side, economic, sexual and racial inequality are not mutually exclusive and should be tackled at the same time.

People trusted Churchill.  Why should it be so difficult to find trustworthy people to do this-or-that nowadays (in response to one friend's comment on house-sitters)?  One of the nicest compliments I've received was from mentor Miguel in Puerto Rico:

"I only trust a couple of people and I trust you."  What higher compliment is there?  I hope I continue to be such a shining example for him.  I wasn't always like this but I've learned from past mistakes, which is more than I can say for the folks in Washington (leading to...)

SarahIs it justice to allow our elected leaders and their minions to lie to us with impunity in order to reach their underlying goals?  What would a scammer of the elderly claim?

"Oh, well, they shouldn't have listened."

1 comment:

  1. Such a professional liar. I'm almost glad my cable stations aren't working because I can't stand to hear her make excuses for the WH. When I think of some of the outher press secretaries there have been... she doesn't deserve to be in their company...


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