"What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish I'd realized it sooner." Colette

Apr 29, 2018

If You Can't Change Your Fate, Change Your Attitude

Gal-pal Rita gave me that advice years ago, during one of her bitch-slappings. That's what friends are for.

Only crazy people can really deal with crazy people. If this North Korea business turns out to be as bright as it’s sounding, then perhaps it will have been worth having Trump in office, if for no other reason. I can’t believe I wrote that. Ah, I’m mellowing.

“Where’s the f____g toothpaste?!” Amy screamed inside my head, but I merely spoke aloud. Regardless, BC, who’d been waiting for her walk, turned tail and disappeared. Dogs understand words, and that particular one is usually accompanied by a dark mood.

But not this morning. I done good the past few days, helping two of the campground visitors who live in their autos full-time. Remember the free phones? They’re both getting one. While the man used my phone to get his, he told me about an organization helping him, so I suggested to the woman she contact the agency, too.

Yesterday Doris excitedly told me St. Vincent de Paul was footing the bill for her to stay for 10 days.  $200. She already had their information, but my comment jogged her memory and spurred her to action. Sometimes we just need a nudge, or a second opinion.

She couldn’t believe people could be so kind, she cried; and I was thrilled for her. Ten days of knowing where she'll sleep will allow her to concentrate on her next steps. I really wish her well.

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