"What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish I'd realized it sooner." Colette

Nov 24, 2012


Cindy Ramirez-Stark
Hand-painted silks
I’m alternately pleased and frightened by my appearance.  

Sometime during the recent transition from my travel-trailer-home into the Caretaker-mansion, I lost my umbrella.  Not good in Oregon.  I don’t mind getting wet so much, but the cold.  I can’t afford to buy a new one until the 1st; but even if I could I’d hesitate, because you know right afterwards I’d find the lost shield and I still hold out hope.  I gave my backup to a homeless person last year since I never needed it. 

I did find an oversized woolen square I picked up in Europe years ago.  It was the style at the time, along with the long, shapeless raincoat in OD green which it matches.  Long packed away, I pulled it out because it would cover my head, shoulders and half-way down my torso.  Besides being warm, I was delighted to learn how water-repellent it is.

Jets Fans
When I walk BC, I typically wear a pair of sweat pants and wonderful old jacket belonging to Tino.  It’s over-sized for me so I can layer underneath plus it covers my bottom, with huge, practical pockets for carrying treats, poop bags and a sports whistle which BC ignores.  I grabbed an old pin to keep the shawl together, and to make a long story short began imagining myself a 50-ish version of the French Lieutenant’s Woman.

What I look like is the Old Woman who Lives in a Shoe.  Truly…I can’t help laughing as I walk BC past storefront windows (before anyone’s open).  They don’t make decent coats for decent sized dogs, so I make BC’s coats from practical flannel, which is water and snow-repellant, and sticks to her coat.  Imagine what’s holding the leash.

So yesterday I vowed to channel Meryl Streep a bit better.  Pulling out ancient makeup, a magnifying mirror and glasses, I set to work applying my mask before venturing downtown to meander the local shops, looking for possible venues for ANYTHING I make.

Once I wiped a tissue over the tinted facial powder, I didn’t look too bad.  I wore the long raincoat with jeans, and adjusted my shawl so that I could, with a degree of sophistication I don’t possess, casually brush it backwards once I entered an establishment.

That worked fine the first time, but after struggling to push it back up once I left, then repeating the procedure several times, by the time I got home I looked like Phyllis Diller.  I did not know until looking up a link just now that she passed away in August.  A brilliant comedienne...and a role model for me.

I did find a cute little cooperative which rents space for a reasonable monthly rate; just what I need to display painted odds and ends.  The darling downtown shops are all struggling and hope to have a good holiday season so let's all help them out.

Happy holiday shopping!

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